Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Last Year

The Bird Family has had one heck of a year. It has been almost a year since Brandon lost his job with Freightliner. This last 11 months have been the hardest ones so far in our almost nine years together.....BUT, we have made it through and are stronger now than ever before. So for the update on the Birds: Brandon is now with Smith Power in Salt Lake working on Detroit Diesel Engines and really enjoys it. Unfortunately he isnt making as much as he was at Freightliner and he still works nights, but its is better than nothing. I had to go back to work at Wal-Mart to help with bills, but thankfully after 7 months got a much better job in Salt Lake with Cogent Works. This job has really been the answer to our prayers, cause now Brandon and I can actually see eachother. Well kind of, before we worked opposite shifts and had different days off. We still work opposite shifts, but at least now we have the weekends off together. I work 6:30 to 2:30 and Brandon leaves as soon as I get home, and usually doesnt get home til after 2am. Its a little crazy, but it works for us and is good for the kids; they always have a parent home. We have had to sell alot of stuff to get rid of some bills, including the trailer and Rhino. We for sure could have never made it out without family and Brandon being sooooo frugal. In conclusion the last year has been a downward spiral, but we are all now working our way back up the spiral......woohooo!